المعجم مجمع والمعنى نعمى الطرب رطب و الكلمة ملكة
الحبرحرب والفكر كفر الضمير مريض والجوع وجع
الأمل ألم و الصراحة حصارة المكان ماكن والملعب مبلع
ّالدمار مدار والدم مد النهاية هانية و الأبد بدأ
the dictionary is a collection and the meaning is a blessing
tarab is humid and the word is queen
the ink is war and the idea is blasphemous
the mind is sick and hunger is pain
hope is sorrow and honesty is sieged
the place is solid and the playground is a swallower
the ruins are hallways and the blood extended
the end is content and forever begun
During the day, Raymond Gemayel stares at the sun with the help of his binoculars.
At night, he has a hard time seeing and/or hearing.