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When We Cease To Speak




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أعمال للمساهم/ة

When We Cease To Speak

By salientMay 7, 2024No Comments

When We Cease To Speak

A graphic recording by
Jana Traboulsi


When We Cease To Speak

A graphic recording by
Jana Traboulsi

ADA_ENG 02 parents silence-2
ADA_ENG 04 silence violence
ADA_ENG 05 edward Said
ADA_ENG 06 Mahmoud Darwish
ADA_ENG 07 sakakini-2

* * * 

This piece is part of "Transgenerations," a series of talks and texts by women writers on their search for the discarded traces of the past and their experimentation with forms of retrieval and narration. Inspired by their archival scholarship and work in memoir, biography, and fiction, it showcases modes of writing minor histories that reimagine the past and challenge dominant narratives. The series is curated by Sara Mourad and Rima Rantisi and supported by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the American University of Beirut.

"When we Cease to Speak" is a lecture by Adania Shibli, delivered in Beirut in March 2024 at the American University of Beirut as part of the series "Transgenerations."


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