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Michel Karsouny

Michel Karsouny (Born in Beirut in 1985), graduated from the American University of Beirut (AUB) with a BFA in Graphic Design and a minor in Fine Arts. He is an award winning graphic designer with over eight years of experience and the founder of the illustration-based design house, The Konstrukt. In 2011, Karsouny reunited with his love for painting by enrolling in a three-year painting post-graduate program with The Art Department (TAD) in between Beirut and San Diego, CA. Karsouny’s work is influenced by artists such as Pablo Picasso, Willem de Kooning, Jean-Michel Basquiat,Vincent van Gogh, as well as various art historical canons including German Expressionism, American pop culture, and Arabic typography. His work has been auctioned with Sotheby’s, used as public art for the Beirut Marathon and has been shown in New York recently.