Zeina G. Halabi is Associate Professor of Arabic Literature at the American University of Beirut. She specializes in modern Arabic literature with particular interest in questions of loss, mourning, and dissidence in contemporary literature and visual culture. She was a 2012-2013 EUME fellow at the Forum for Transregional Studies in Berlin, where she began working on her first book titled The Unmaking of the Arab Intellectual: Prophecy, Exile, and the Nation (Edinburgh University Press, 2017) that examines the depiction of Arab intellectuals in post-1990s fiction and film. She has authored articles on the shifting notion of political commitment in the writings of canonical and emerging Arab writers in journals including the Journal of Arabic Literature and Middle Eastern Literatures. As a fellow of the Berlin-based Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (2018-2020), she is working on her second book project provisionally entitled Excavating the Present: History, Power, and the Arab Archive, which explores archival practices in contemporary literature. She is the Arabic Editor of Rusted Radishes.
زينة الحلبي، أكاديمية وكاتبة تهتمّ بالثقافة العربية المعاصرة. صدر لها كتاب عن تمثيل المثقّف في الأدب والسينما منذ تسعينات القرن الماضي. عملت أستاذة جامعية في الولايات المتّحدة والجامعة الأميركية في بيروت وتحرّر حالياً القسم العربي من فَمْ: مجلة بيروت الأدبية والفنية. لا تهوى الترجمة، ولكن هناك نصوص تعترضها دون خجل أو سابق إنذار.